The will consist of the eastern warehouse centre Trang Bomcovering 620 hectares, Phuoc An port logistics centre (234 hectares), the northcentre of Long Thanh airport (100 hectares) and the southern centre of theairport, from the perspective of a logistics centre.
All these logistics centres are planned near traffic hubs of LongThanh Airport, Phuoc An Port and Trang Bom railway station, which facilitatethe transportation of goods and reduce logistic costs.
Dong Nai aims to have a top-notch infrastructure system to serveas a transportation gateway for the South by 2023. The logistics industry willgrow at the fastest rate among all service sectors.
By 2023, the draft set the growth rate of Dong Nai's logisticservices will reach about 30-35% each year, contributing 20 - 25% to theprovince's GDP of the service sector.
New logistics centres are planned to handle 60-70% of theprovince's total goods volume, with the remaining traditional logistics servicecentres and areas responsible for 30-40%.
Many firms in Dong Nai province currently still use Cat Lai portin Ho Chi Minh City for their import-export services despite having access toefficient river systems and port infrastructure in the local area.
Therefore, Dong Nai's key goal is to attract import-export firmsin the region to provide import-export services./.