Directed by Jaime Zuniga and Aaron Toronto, "Dangerous Liaisons" is atale of seduction, betrayal and revenge set in the morally corrupt worldof the aristocracy of pre-revolution France. It was made famous by a1988 film of the same name, and has been adapted many times the worldover.
American Toronto, who acted as the graciouspilot in "The Little Prince", now becomes an unfaithful lover, Vicomtede Valmont. Briton Belinda Smith acts as Merteuil, a very complexcharacter. Women in that era had no power but Merteuil is immenselypowerful because she uses sex and love to dominate men.
Vietnamese actress Nguyen Lan Phuong will perform the role of Madamede Tourvel. Phuong's breakout role was Mai Lan in "Co Gai Xau Xi" (TheUgly Girl), adapted from American TV programme Ugly Betty. Vu Pham DiemMy plays Cecile de Volanges in her Dragonfly debut.
Despite her youth, Diem My has worked for many years in theentertainment industry, starting out as a child actor in 1995. She is awell known model, MC and actress. Her most popular roles to date havebeen her starring roles in the breakout hit film last Lunar New Yearseason, "My Nhan Ke" (Devices' Beauty), and the currently-running TVseries "Vay Hong Tang 24" (Dress up Ladies in 24th Floor). She is also awell-known model and emcee.
The play is co-directedby Nicaraguan actor/director Jaime Zuniga, who burst on to the Ho ChiMinh City theatre scene in 2011 with a colorful presentation of "TheImportance of Being Earnest".
Toronto has been inthe Vietnamese film and television industry for nine years as director,editor, actor, and producer, being assistant director in such films as"Fool For Love","Passport to Love" and "Sai Gon Yo!".
Dangerous Liaisons is Dragonfly's fourth production. It is R rated,with a recommendation that children under the age of 16 be accompaniedby a parent or guardian. Performances are planned on October 18, 19, 26,and 27 at Q4 Event Space, 7 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, District 4. Theywill be presented with Vietnamese subtitles.-VNA