HCM City (VNA) - The California-based Vietnamese zitherist Vo VanAnh, whose stage name is Vanessa Vo, is set to perform in Ho Chi Minh City onJanuary 16 evening.
Anh will play along with Blood Moon Orchestra, a musical performance project ofrecording artist, and collaborative partners.
The artists will bring a blend of traditional and contemporary music to theconcert.
Anh began studying dan tranh (16-chord zither) when she was four years old,graduating with distinction from the Vietnam National Academy of Music. In1995, she won the National Dan Tranh Competition along with an award for a soloperformance of modern folk music.
She co-composed and recorded the 2009 Emmy Award-winning soundtrack for thedocumentary Bolinao 52, a production about Vietnamese boat people byVietnamese-American director Duc Nguyen.
She also wrote music for the 2003 Academy Awards nominee Daughter from Danang,a documentary about the life of Mai Thi Hiep, one of the children brought tothe US from Vietnam in 1975 during Operation Babylift.-VNA