Even before Tet, a number of enterprises in thecity had already put up hiring ads. The signs are easy to find along thestreets near industrial and processing zone of Tan Tao, Tan Binh andLinh Trung.
A variety of jobs are advertised along with thebenefits and bonuses that go along with them. Some firms even send outvehicles to northern and central provinces to bring new employees.
According to the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and SocialAffairs, labourers often switch jobs after Tet, so companies take theopportunity to hire. It is estimated that businesses will hire around30,000 new labourers in first quarter of 2014.
A leather shoecompany in Tan Binh Industrial Park announced they have 10,000labourers but only 65 percent returned after the holiday.
"Some people are taking their maternal leave or their holiday while therest have found a new jobs," a representative said.
The head of Pou Yuen Corporation in Vietnam, Cu Phat Nghiep, said they had lost 10 percent of their labourers after Tet.
Le Minh Giang, a resident of Go Vap district, said he worked at atextile company but found a new job with a more stable income and lessworking hours.
An official that manages industrial zones inthe city said this is a difficult problem for businesses because theystill depend on cheap labour sources in other provinces.
Enterprises in the city not only lost labourers to different jobs, thisyear also to new industrial zones that have appeared in the centralregion.-VNA