Brussels (VNA) – Members of the European Union (EU) haveexpressed their wish to promote cooperation with Vietnam, including the earliestpossible signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and theEU-Vietnam Investment Promotion Agreement (EVIPA), EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström has said.
At areception for Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh inBrussels, Belgium, on June 19, the EU official lauded the National Assembly,Government and relevant agencies of Vietnam for ratifying the InternationalLabour Organisation (ILO)’s Convention 98 and building and amending law,including the amendment to the Labour Code.
Malmströmsaid she sent Anh’s letter informing these results to EU members which showed positiveresponse to Vietnam’s progress.
Thetwo sides discussed cooperation frameworks, opportunities and challenges facingVietnam and EU partners in expanding and improving the efficiency of thebilateral economic, trade and investment ties.
Vietnam,EU countries and Trade Commissioner Malmström are stepping up efforts to complete procedures for thesigning of the EVFTA, slated for later this month in Hanoi.
Anhtold the Vietnam News Agency that during the latest working session of theEuropean Council, some EU countries wanted to study more about Vietnam’s legalreform and socio-economic activities within the framework of internationalintegration and requirements of the two agreements.
Vietnamis constructively working with the EU countries to complete procedure-relatedrequirements set in the deals, he said.
Whilein Brussels, the minister also met with Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Economy and Consumer Affairs Kris Peeters to discuss economic and trade ties between the twocountries.
Belgiumwas part of Anh’s trip to some EU countries, including Romania, Italy andSpain, from June 17-21.-VNA