Exhibition seeks to raise public awareness on plastic waste reduction

An exhibition entitled “Plastic Tale of River” opened in Hanoi on February 15, aiming to raise people’s awareness regarding the use of plastic bags and other single-use plastic products.
Exhibition seeks to raise public awareness on plastic waste reduction ảnh 1A picture by photographer Nguyen Viet Hung at the exhibition. (Photo: nhandan.vn)

Hanoi (VNA) – An exhibition entitled “Plastic Tale of River” opened in Hanoi on February 15, aiming to raise people’s awareness regarding the use of plastic bags and other single-use plastic products.

It is co-organised by the Institute of Strategy, Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the World Wide Fund for Nature in Viet Nam (WWF Viet Nam), the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) and the Goethe-Institute.

The exhibition is intended to provide the audience with an overview of the current status of plastic waste in Vietnam, thereby inspiring them to take actions for a better environment. Artworks by photographers Truong Dai Duong and Nguyen Viet Hung and video clips, short films incorporating messages on plastic waste reduction are on display at the event.

Addressing the opening of the exhibition, Dutch Ambassador to Vietnam Elsbeth Akkerman said coordination among the Government, the private sector and consumers is a must to jointly take action to reduce the consumption of single use plastic products.

Each individual action will make a significant change in reducing plastic waste in the world, she said.

Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy, director of WWF Vietnam’s Plastic Waste Reduction Programme, said Vietnam is actively campaigning for a global agreement on ocean plastic pollution, and also one of the first countries to have localities committed to becoming plastic reduction cities. This reflects strong determination against the current plastic crisis.

She hoped that the exhibition will contribute to promoting more interested parties who will act together towards sustainable consumption and plastic pollution reduction  in Vietnam.

The exhibition is part of activities within the framework of the project Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solution for Marine Waste, funded by the European Union and the German government, and executed by German GIZ and French Expertise France in Vietnam.

Taking place at the Goethe Institute, the exhibition will run until March 15. During the period, the institute will coordinate with the ISPONRE to develop a virtual exhibition model on the Gathertown application to reach more interested audience as well as support to organise a series of side events that contribute to identifying practical solutions regarding policy, technical and communication aspects to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bags and products./.


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