Thisis one of the requests set for the enterprises regarding production plans whenthe COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control.
Accordingto the management board, factories at IZs in Kim Thanh district can resume workbut they must follow the Ministry of Health’s regulations on COVID-19prevention.
Specifically,test results for all employees at the enterprises must show that they arenegative. Enterprises must also regularly clean the environment, disinfect theworkplace and dormitories (if any).
Allstaff must follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message: Khautrang (face mask) – Khu khuan (disinfection)– Khoang cach (distance) – Khong tu tap (no gathering) – Khai bao y te (health declaration).
Itis necessary for enterprises to organise the supervision of compliance withpandemic prevention rules.
Theenterprises are urged to set up a focus point to contact the Steering Committeefor COVID-19 Prevention and Control of Kim Thanh district when epidemiologicalfactors emerge to coordinate, even when in doubt.
Ownersof factories are responsible for COVID-19 prevention and control work at theirestablishments and take responsibility before the law for the emergence of thepandemic due to subjective factors.
Forenterprises with employees who test positive for COVID-19, they arerequested to urgently take samples from those who haven’t been tested.
It’sa must for enterprises to make a business plan associated with the preventionand control of the pandemic. Coordination with local authorities to review andthoroughly handle the disease risk factors in businesses or from employees isalso included in the plan. They should submit a report to the provincial SteeringCommittee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control for approval before resumingoperation.
Employeesare ordered to sign documents with the local authorities affirming theircommitment to COVID-19 safety.
Businessesinvolved in the trading of infrastructure at industrial zones are responsiblefor coordinating with relevant agencies to monitor enterprises in IZs to complywith the regulations on pandemic prevention and control.
After15 days of stringent province-wide lockdown measures, the northern province of HaiDuong will lift some restrictions in certain areas on Wednesday (March 3) asthe COVID-19 outbreaks are gradually being brought under control.
Itwill shift to a new status, both drastically fighting the coronavirus andtaking action to carry out socio-economic development tasks, according toa decision made by the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee at ameeting on March 1.
Sincethe coronavirus broke out in Hai Duong province on January 27, it hasrecorded 684 COVID-19 local infections, becoming the largest outbreakin the country.
HaiDuong authorities agreed to divide the localities in the province into twogroups under different restrictions depending on the COVID-19 risks.
Fourhigh-risk localities, including Hai Duong city, Kinh Mon township, Cam Giangdistrict and Kim Thanh, will be placed under the Government’s Directive 15, thehighest level of social distancing first introduced in March last year when thecountry entered nationwide lockdown. The remaining eight localities in theprovince will follow the less restrictive Government’s Directive 19 on socialdistancing norms.
HaiDuong will continue to halt festivals, religious rituals, sporting events andother unimportant events that require large gatherings in public.
Servicevenues – retail/wholesale trading shops, shopping malls, markets, supermarkets,hotels, accommodation facilities, etc. – can resume operations, but mustobserve COVID-19 prevention and control measures.
Secretaryof the provincial Party Committee Pham Xuan Thang said that, from March 3, HaiDuong would carry out 10 groups of anti-COVID-19 solutions and five groups ofsocio-economic development solutions.
Asthe outbreak may return, the entire local political system would not lower itsguard and will remain on alert and be stringent in the fight, he stated./.