Female poet’s book about Vietnamese soldiers released

Female poet Lu Mai’s latest book, Ngang Qua Binh Minh (Reaching to the Dawn), has been released by the Literature Publishing House.
Female poet’s book about Vietnamese soldiers released ảnh 1 Ngang Qua Binh Minh (Reaching to the Dawn), a new book by female poet Lu Mai (Photo courtesy of the Literature Publishing House)

HCM City (VNS/VNA) — Female poet Lu Mai’s latest book, Ngang Qua Binh Minh (Reaching to the Dawn), has been released by the Literature Publishing House.

The 100-page book includes eight chapters featuring stories about soldiers and their work, hopes and dreams. Themes about love and peace are included.

Highlighted chapters feature Vietnamese Navy soldiers on Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands.  

The author’s simple and lively language expresses her feelings about the soldiers who have completed their mission on the islands and yearn for home.  

“Mai’s book highlights stories of soldiers working and thinking, and having to overcome great difficulties to fulfill their duties. Through her language, readers, particularly youngsters, can learn valuable lessons from the island and soldiers,” said Nguyen Ba Quy, a reader from HCM City. 

“Each word from poets in the epic Ngang Qua Binh Minh is in praise of patriotism and bravery. For people who have not experienced the salty taste of Trường Sa, Mai’s book leaves a very strong impression," he said.

Author Mai released Mat Trung Khoi (The Eyes of the Sea), a book featuring stories and photos about Truong Sa soldiers, in Hanoi last year. 

The poet's collection was published after the success of the first volume Noi Dau Song (The Wavefront) by the same authors – Mai and photographer Tran Thanh – who have visited the Spratly Islands several times. 

The 150-page work features 18 stories and dozens of photos centred on the people whose lives are attached to the islands. Those people are not only Navy soldiers but also their family members.  

The book’s printer, Literature Publishing House, in collaboration with Mai and photographer Thanh, has launched a project titled "Homeland’s Sea and Islands Bookshelf". Under the project, hundreds of copies of Mat Trung Khoi and Noi Dau Song have been given to Navy soldiers and people living on the islands.

According to Mai, some of the books’ proceeds will be donated to charity events dedicated to Navy soldiers and their families. 

“Mai’s latest publication, Ngang Qua Binh Minh, is quality in both its style and content. Her work links people inland with those living on islands, instilling national pride and encouraging soldiers who guard the country’s sovereignty,” said veteran poet Nguyen Quang Thieu, chairman of the Vietnam Writers’ Association./.


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