"The festival is being held with the aim to celebrate the country's richpast, respect the contribution of young people towards preservingcultural traditions and raising their awareness and responsibility todeveloping the national heritage," said Hanoi Association of Literatureand Arts president Do Thi Hao.
During the festival,visitors are enjoying calligraphy demonstrations and folk games, musicand dances, plus an exhibition displaying 500 items dating from the DongSon Culture (700-100BC) to the Nguyen dynasty (19th-20th century), aswell as artefacts from the Thang Long Royal Citadel ruins and photos ofthe 82 stone doctoral steles at the Temple of Literature).
The cuisine and craft villages of Hanoi are also being highlighted,including such crafts as embroidery, wood carvings, copper statues andrattan furniture. Artisans from the craft villages are performingrituals to pay tribute to their ancestors who established their villagetrades.
Researchers also participated in a workshop onNov. 23 to discuss the preservation of Hanoi's tangible and intangibleheritage, such as Duong Lam Village, Thang Long Royal Citadel, ThangLong folk dances, and traditional beliefs and festivals.
"To preseve the vestiges of these cultures, we need to improve theknowledge and techniques of the preservationists," said the director ofthe Thang Long - Hanoi Citadel Preservation Centre, Nguyen Van Son."Those who join in preservation must have professional skills, techniqueand responsibility for what they do."
The festival, whichends on Nov. 25, was co-organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sportsand Tourism, the Hanoi People's Committee, the Ministry of Education andTraining, and the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association./.