Festival brings Hue gastronomy closer to public

The “Hue - The capital of gastronomy” festival was held recently in celebration of the Reunification Day and May Day holiday. It offered the public a new perspective on and interesting experiences in not only cuisine from Hue but also from other regions around the country.

The festival created a unique cultural space for local people and tourists in the green space of Tu Tuong Park on the banks of the picturesque Perfume River. Thousands of visitors came to explore the diverse, rich, and unique culinary culture of the poetic city of Hue.

Visitors had the opportunity to try remarkable local dishes such as fermented pork rolls and ham in a royal peacock and phoenix shape, fried rice and meatballs, and lotus seed sweet soup cooked by famous culinary artists.

Thua Thien-Hue is home to a huge number of royal and folk dishes. Research shows there are 1,700 dishes in Hue, or two-thirds of Vietnam’s total.

The festival also contributed to affirming the brand name of Hue cuisine, thus promoting and developing Vietnam's tourism in general and Thua Thien-Hue’s in particular./.