In the plenary session in the morning, the Congress adoptedthe adjustment of its agenda.
Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committeeand head of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission Pham MinhChinh delivered the Presidium’s report on the outcomes of delegates’ discussionson the 12th Party Central Committee’s report on personnel work for the 13thParty Central Committee.
The Congress later elected a Vote Counting Committee, and approvedthe lists of candidates to the 13th Party Central Committee (both official andalternative ones).
In the afternoon, Politburo member, Secretary of the PartyCentral Committee and head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission forInformation and Education Vo Van Thuong presented a report on collecting the Presidium’sfeedback on delegates’ discussions on documents submitted to the Congress.
After delegates cast votes, the Vote Counting Committeecounted them and will announce the lists of official and alternative members ofthe 13th Central Party Committee.
On January 31, the Congress will take a break.
The 13th Party Central Committee will convene its firstplenum to elect the Politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Secretariat,the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, and its Chairsperson.
The Congress is due to close on February 1./.