Hanoi (VNA) – Up to 93 percent of questioned people show their confidencein the Party’s leadership in the fight against corruption, according to arecent survey of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information andEducation released at the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption’snational conference reviewing corruption prevention and control works during2013-2020.
The event was chaired by Party General Secretary and StatePresident Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also head of the steering committee. Nearly700 delegates, who are leaders of the Party, State, Government, NationalAssembly, ministries, sectors and localities, attended the in-personconference, while nearly 5,000 others joined the event via video conference.
Speaking at the event, Trong said that since the inceptionof the steering committee in 2013, the fight against corruption has seenprogress, with a lot of important and obvious results, which is a greatmotivation to fulfil set targets and make the country develop rapidly andsustainably.
Well doing the Party building and re-organisation andstepping up corruption prevention and control have contributed to boostingsocio-economic development, maintaining political stability and strengtheningdefence security and external relations, he noted.
In the combat against corruption, it is essential to have ahigh political determination, turn the political determination into practicalactions, and put the fight under the leadership and direct instructions of theParty, specifically the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption.
Fighting corruption means fighting internal enemy, and is animportant, continuous, difficult, urgent but long-term mission that needs theengagement of all ministries, sectors and localities at all levels, Trongstated, emphasising the need for a prevention and punishment mechanism.
The anti-corruption work should be conducted in line withthrift practice, and Party building and rectification, he said.
The top leader asked the Party Committees, Partyorganisations and Party members to consider the anti-corruption work anextremely important mission in building the Party and the political systemstrongly and transparently, and consolidating the national great unity.
He also highlighted the importance of educating the thriftculture among officials, Party members and people, while intensifyinginspections, as well as investigations, prosecution and judgment oncorruption-related cases, and increasing the efficiency of withdrawingcorruption assets.
Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quy Vuong said thatsince 2013, investigation agencies started legal proceedings against 1,856corruption cases involving in 4,072 people.
In the past five years, more than 87,000 Partymembers received disciplinary measures, of whom over 3,200 were involved incorruption. Four Politburo members and former Politburo members, 27 members andformer members of the Party Central Committee, and over 30 officers with the general ranking were disciplined./.