Hanoi (VNA) - The 2019 Vietnam’s Dedicated Defence andSecurity Exhibition and Conference (DSE Vietnam 2019) will be held for thefirst time in Hanoi from October 2 to 4 with the participation of some 200exhibitors from at home and abroad.
The eventis organised by the Economic Department and the Defence Economic TechnicalIndustry Corporation under the Ministry of National Defence, the Department ofEquipment Supplies and Warehousing under the Ministry of Public Security, andEifec Company.
Speakingat a press conference about the event in Hanoi on August 8, a representative of the organising board said DSE Vietnam 2019 fits well with the country’s policy ofmodernising its armed forces and enhancing the capability of the nationaldefence apparatus in order to maintain military power and boost co-operationwith other countries in this field.
“Thisevent is expected to create an effective connection that helps exhibitorsdiscuss technology challenges in the region and helps Vietnamese defence unitsand businesses access advanced devices and solutions in the region and theworld,” he said, adding that the event would also help with Vietnam’s preparation to host the 14thASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting next year.
Nguyen DinhLong, director of Eifec Company, said the event expected to attract 5,000professional visitors including top Vietnamese Government officials, seniorofficers and decision makers in the national defence and public securitysectors and industry participants.
He saidthere would be seven national exhibition booths from Russia, Ukraine, the US,France, Singapore, India and Israel along with booths for the two Vietnameseministries.
Long saidthe organisers had so far received requests and confirmation from well-knowndefence corporations including Rosoboronexport and Techmash, LockheedMartin, Airbus, Starks Motors and Arsenal 2000.-VNA