They included Allen Fredy, 51, Edy Hasan, 41, Ahmad Dahlan, 35, Wahyu Kurniawan, 38, Ahmad Syarib, 46, and Ibrahim Hasyim, 43.
They will be brought to court in the coming time by the municipal People’s Court.
Accordingto the indictment and investigation records, the gang followedcustomers leaving banks in Ho Chi Minh City , punctured their cars’tyres and took their money away when the customers were replacing newtyres.
Entering Vietnam in June 2009, the gang had stolen billions of Vietnamese dongs from banks’ customers.
OnJuly 14, 2009, Ho Chi Minh City Police caught the gang in the act ofstealing 22,900 USD of Taiwanese customer Chao Pao Liang at Tran HungDao-Ho Hao Hon intersection in District 1, when Chao just left the bankin the district.
The city police also asked Indonesian police andthe Interpol to hunt for two other persons, Indra Jaya and YarisRintan, who were also involved in the case./.