Foreign media praise Vietnam's response to COVID-19 pandemic

Thanks to its prompt and drastic responses, Vietnam has stood firm in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign media have said.
Foreign media praise Vietnam's response to COVID-19 pandemic ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Thanks to its prompt and drastic responses, Vietnam has stood firm in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign media have said.

According to the National Public Radio (NPR) of the US, the foundation of Vietnam's success in the work is the early implementation of a drastic policy by the government on social distancing, as well as the country’s experience against previous epidemics.

It said that with experience gained from dealing with the 2003 SARS and 2009 H1N1, the Vietnamese government started organising its response in January - right after reports began from China's Wuhan, where the virus is believed to have originated.

The country quickly came up with a variety of tactics, including widespread quarantining and aggressive contact tracing, it noted.

Meanwhile, The Strategist of the US said Vietnam has reported no deaths from COVID-19 in recent days and just 268 confirmed cases.

This is a result of careful and extensive monitoring of public travel and regular temperature checking at airports, border gates and public places, as well as well managing centralised quarantine areas, it said.

According to the newspaper, Vietnam has shown itself as one of “leaders" in inventing and exporting fast virus test kits with affordable prices.

It emphasised that Vietnam's key strategy is responding quickly to reduce infection and the burden on medical staff.

International media also spotlighted Vietnam’s willingness to share practical experience and its support for other countries in the fight against the disease.

According to Nikkei Asian Review, that Vietnam's measures against COVID-19 is for the benefit of the whole community.

After all these hard challenges, Vietnam's voice will be very weighty and convincing, not only on the regional forum but also in the international arena, it said.

Bloomberg has reported that Vietnam donated 250,000 medial face masks to the US, handed over made-in-Vietnam face masks and medical equipment worth 100,000 USD to Japan, and a great number of medical supplies to its neighbours Cambodia and Laos, and European countries.

Meanwhile, Rossiyskaya Gazeta of Russia also reported on Vietnam’s donation of 200,000 domestically-produced face masks to Russia to help the country in the fight against COVID-19./.

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