Speaking at the event, deputy head of theVietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL)’s board of female affairs Do ThiHong Van said the project initiated by CARE Vietnam aims to reduce sex abuseagainst female workers at textile factories.
Over the past more than one year, theproject has offered training to female workers and raised employers’responsibility for creating a healthy and safe workplace, she said.
VGCL Vice President Pham Van Quang said theprovince is home to more than 200,000 officials, cadres and workers, 60 percentof whom are women. The business sector alone attracts 150,000 workers, leadingto gender imbalance in industrial zones.
In the textile and garment sector, five localfactories are managed by the industry and trade sector’s trade union with morethan 10,000 labourers, with 80 percent of them women.
According to the Better Work report 2017, manycases of sexual abuse go unreported in Vietnam.
Participants at the event discussedrecognition of sexual abuse and skills to protect workers.-VNA