Free eye examination for impoverished people in Yen Bai

Seventy poor patients in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai received free eye check-ups and cataract surgery at Yen Bai General Hospital from April 16-17.
Free eye examination for impoverished people in Yen Bai ảnh 1Doctors are performing a cataract surgery. (Photo: VNA)

Yen Bai (VNA) – Seventy poor patients in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai received free eye check-ups and cataract surgery at Yen Bai General Hospital from April 16-17.

The examinations and surgeries were performed by doctors from the Central Eye Hospital and Yen Bai General Hospital for locals who served the nation and came from policy beneficiary households and poor families in Nghia Lo town and Van Chan, Tram Tau and Mu Cang Chai districts.

Among the patients, 57 underwent cataract operations, most of whom came from Tram Tau and Mu Cang Chai districts.

Yen Bai is among 30 provinces receiving free phacoemulsification surgery in 2019. to restore vision for the patients.

This is a practical programme for the impoverished, helping them improve their health and stabilise their lives. -VNA


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