Neither Mauries norhis staff knew exactly when "Dam Ruoc" – one of the few remaining piecesby wellknown painter Nguyen Gia Tri – came into the consulate'spossession, but he soon began to realise it is a precious art work.
"I now know it is among the rare paintings of the artist that remain. Idid feel upset to see it slowly degrading, and wanted to have itrestored," he said.
Nguyen Gia Tri (1908-93)completed the painting in 1939 in Hanoi. The work, 3m by 1.8m in size,was painted onto nine timber planks covered with cloth - layer afterlayer of raw lacquer.
The painting is a tribute tothe beautiful scenery of the northern countryside, including thespectacular red silk cotton (kapok) trees, bamboo hedges, rice fields,irrigation trenches, and a church.
"I invited aFrench fine arts expert to examine the painting, but he wanted asky-high fee," said Mauries. "Then I shared the idea with friends,colleagues and the French who are living and working here."
Immediately, Guy Lacombe, an art collector, chipped in and mobilisedhis French friends – art lovers – in Vietnam to contribute funds torestore the lacquerwork. Lacombe also recommended experienced artistNguyen Lam, who has more than 50 years of experience working withlacquer, to restore the painting.
Lam was a foundingmember of the Sai Gon Young Artists Club in 1960s and in the samegeneration as many other famous artists, such as Nguyen Trung, Ho HuuThu, Do Quang Em, and Trinh Cung.
"Things were easybecause the French are open whenever asked to contribute to conservingcultural heritage," said Mauries, requiring the restoration be carriedout inside the consulate's building.
"Dam Ruoc isthe best preserved of Tri's works I have seen, however, it was not easyto restore," said artist Lam who invited his three artist children,Huyen Lam, Lam Huynh Son and Lam Lan, and artisan Huyen Ly to join inthe work.
After taking the painting from its frame,the artists carefully removed dust layers from the painting surface withclean water and emery paper until the original paint appeared.
It took almost one month for the artists to complete touching thepainting up. "It seems simple to outsiders, but if it was put in thehands of unskilled artists, the process could damage and discolour thepainting," said one expert.
"Nguyen Lam hascompleted the delicate work skillfully worker," said Mauries afterannouncing Dam Ruoc had been completely restored.
"Ifeel so happy and proud to be assigned such work. This is an authenticwork made using traditional lacquer painting techniques, not so muchdifferent from current techniques," said Lam. "The work always made mefeel pleasant, like I was working in the artist's worshop back then."
To evaluate the artistic value of Tri's painting,Mauries said that the French Consulate will consult museums in Ho ChiMinh City, hopefully before he completes his term.-VNA