French scholar: Party chief’s article reflects balance between ideology, practical values

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s article on the pathway to socialism in Vietnam has reflected a balance between ideology and practical values, especially via upholding “Ho Chi Minh Thought” – a comprehensive thought in terms of politics, strategy, economy, morality, and socio-culture, said a French scholar.
French scholar: Party chief’s article reflects balance between ideology, practical values ảnh 1A port in Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: VNA)
Paris (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong’s article on the pathway to socialism in Vietnam has reflected a balancebetween ideology and practical values, especially via upholding “Ho Chi Minh Thought”– a comprehensive thought in terms of politics, strategy, economy, morality, andsocio-culture, said a French scholar.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency in Paris,Prof. Pierre Journoud – contemporary history lecturer at France’s Paul-ValéryMontpellier 3 University described Trong’s article as an important documentsumming up the application of Marxism-Leninism in Vietnam’s realities, withVietnamese leaders effectively tapping positive points of a market economy.

Journoud said Trong shed light into contradictions andshortcomings of capitalism which, he said, is root of social conflicts.
French scholar: Party chief’s article reflects balance between ideology, practical values ảnh 2Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: VNA)
According to him, the introduction of socialist-orientedmarket economy model in Vietnam has contributed to production force liberationand scientific-technological development. He said one of Vietnam’s mostimportant achievements since “Doi Moi” (Renewal) process was launched is to maintainconsiderable economic growth and thanks to which the poverty rate has droppedsignificantly. Another achievement is to pursue an open-door policy,international integration, and a foreign policy of diversification and multilateralisation,he added.

Journoud emphasised that Vietnam plays an increasinglyimportant role in ASEAN and the world and its commitments to the UnitedNations and peacekeeping missions in Africa are enriching its experience andstrengthening its global reputation.

Vietnam is on the way to becoming a regional power, hesaid.

He was particularly impressed by Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong pointing out the shortcomings that are existing in the Party and his callfor rectification.
French scholar: Party chief’s article reflects balance between ideology, practical values ảnh 3Prof. Pierre Journoud – contemporary history lecturer at France’s Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University (Photo: VNA)
Referring to challenges facing Vietnam today, the Frenchprofessor said Vietnam needs to build more sustainable and long-termdevelopment policies. It should be done in a way that narrows inequality causedby economic growth, ensures equal access to quality public education for allpeople, and preserve traditional identity and cultures, given negative impactsof globalisation and people’s obsession with material possessions.

Vietnam needs to continue intensifying its fight againstcorruption which has been carried out fiercely and transparently in recenttimes./.

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