Front leader extends Christmas greetings to southern church

A delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee led by Vice President Le Ba Trinh visited and extended Christmas greetings to the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) on December 17.

HCM City (VNA) – A delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee led by Vice President Le Ba Trinh visited and extended Christmas greetings to the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) (ECVS) on December 17.

Speaking at the occasion, Trinh wished the ECVS executive board and Protestant priests and followers a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

He hailed contributions of the church and its priests and followers to the country’s development.

The front leader spoke highly of the church’s charitable activities over the past years and hoped that the church would keep the works up in the future.

Priest Phan Vinh Cu, head of the ECVS, thanked the Party and State as well as the VFF for facilitation for the church’s activities.

He vowed that the church would continue encouraging its followers to participate in patriotic movements and follow the State’s policies.-VNA


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