Genetically modified products found in markets

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are found in more than a third of processed and unprocessed agricultural produce sold in HCM City markets and supermarkets, a report by the Department of Science and Technology has revealed.
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are found in more than a third of processed and unprocessed agricultural produce sold in HCM City markets and supermarkets, a report by the Department of Science and Technology has revealed.

However, most are not labelled to indicate they contain GMO as required, said Tran Thi My Hien, an engineer at the Standard and Quality Monitoring Centre and the lead author of the report.

She said 34 per cent of 323 samples taken from 17 markets and supermarkets contained GMO elements.

They included 40 per cent of corn samples, 26 per cent of soybeans, 13 per cent of potatoes, and 10 per cent of tomatoes.

The GMO elements in half of the corn samples and three fifths of the soybean samples that tested positive could not be identified since available testing methods lag behind GM growth, she said.

"GMO can now be found in seeds, agricultural produce, and processed items.

"Relevant ministries should issue specific guidelines on sources and labels of GMO products for the sake of both manufacturers and consumers."

Regulations on biological safety management of GMO and products containing GMO have already been drawn up by the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; Science and Technology; Health; Agriculture and Rural Development; and Industry and Trade.

The Government decree issued five years ago requires all GMO and GMO products to be certified for biological safety before coming to the market.

But a list of safe GM products that are allowed to be traded on the market and the criteria for safety assessment of GM products are not available yet./.

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