German journalist’s new book tells stories about Vietnam war

German journalist Hellmut Kapfenberger has just introduced his new book about the war in Vietnam in 1972. This is a collection of writings and photos the author gathered when he worked as a resident correspondent of ADN News Agency of the German Democratic Republic and Neues Deutschland Newspaper in Hanoi.

Entitled “Vietnam 1972. A country under bombs. Out and about in the North with a notebook and camera”, the 256-page book presents a large number of writings and 36 photos that the author took in the North of Vietnam.

It brings readers a panorama and true picture on the resistance war of the Vietnamese people, especially in the tough fight in 1972.

In its introduction, Wiljo Heinen publishing house wrote that the testimonies of Kapfenberger are not only contemporary documents but also a demonstration of solidarity with a nation that stood up to struggle for its own independence and freedom.

Kapfenberger, born in 1933, worked as a resident reporter in Vietnam in the 1970-1973 and 1980-1984 periods. After returning home, he actively joined solidarity activities with Vietnam.

He is also the author of many other books about Vietnam, including "Berlin - Bonn - Saigon - Hanoi", “Ho Chi Minh –Political Biography”, “Vietnam – A 30-year war 1945-1975, and “Ho Chi Minh Trail”./.