Basketry craft: A pride of Lu ethnic people

The Lu community, a minority group with a population of less than 10,000 people, mainly resides in Lai Chau province. They boast a rich and diverse cultural heritage, marked by unique characteristics. Over the years, the northern mountainous province has prioritized the preservation and development of their traditional crafts, including brocade weaving and basketry.

Lu ethnic people have attempted to preserve basketry craft for ages. Here, the elder people pass down their skills to the younger ones, constantly reminding their descendants to maintain the traditional craft.

Maintaining the craft of basketry not only is a gesture of upholding valuable cultural heritage, but also serves practical purposes in daily life. Baskets, chairs and tables, fish traps and household items are all skillfully crafted by the Lu people.

Also, the unique traditional craft of the Lu ethnic group is potential for developing community-based tourism in Lai Chau province./.