Vietnam - ideal destination for Australian tourists

Vietnam has become a popular destination, attracting significant interest from Australian media and tourists. To seize new development opportunities and build on these positive trends, the Australia – Vietnam Travel Symposium, along with various side activities, was held on June 18 in Melbourne.

In recent years, relations between Vietnam and Australia have grown significantly, culminating in the establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in March 2024.

Tourism is a key focus in the joint statement by the leaders of both countries, and the symposium represents an important step in bringing this commitment to life.

Vietnam's tourism industry is recovering with notable achievements. In the first five months of this year, 213,000 Australians visited Vietnam, a 35% rise from the same period in 2023, making Australia the seventh-largest source of visitors. Tourism cooperation between the two countries is expected to continue thriving, reaching new milestones soon.

Following the conference, a Vietnam-Australia tourism business meeting took place, attended by Vietnamese enterprises in aviation, travel, and hospitality, as well as 28 Australian tourism businesses. The event featured two discussion sessions on promoting Vietnamese Tourism in Australia and promoting Australian tourism in Vietnam./.