The most affected areas are Chu Prong, Ia Grai and Chu Pah districts.Total economic losses are estimated at approximately 85 billion VND(3.91 million USD), mainly from withered coffee and rice areas.
The situation is forecast to worsen as the drought continues, especially in the province’s southeastern part.
According to the Central Highlands Hydro-Meteorological Station, inthe region in general and Gia Lai in particular, this year’s rainyseason will start later, at the beginning or middle of May, with therainfall estimated to be lower than the previous years.
The provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development hasrequested the assignment of technical workers to work with localauthorities and people to utilise water resources and irrigation workseffectively so as to minimise water losses.
Theprovince has urged relevant agencies to take measures to counteract thedrought, focusing on digging ponds, dredging wells and using pumps tomake full use of water resources.-VNA