Goalkeeper Lam misses out on next matches of World Cup qualifiers

Following defender Doan Van Hau, goalkeeper Dang Van Lam is the next player to miss out on the rest of this year's World Cup’s final round qualification due to injury.
Goalkeeper Lam misses out on next matches of World Cup qualifiers ảnh 1Vietnam's national goalkeeper Dang Van Lam will miss at least four matches of the 2022 World Cup’s final round qualification due to a shoulder injury. (Photo: vtc.vn)
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Following defender Doan Van Hau, goalkeeper Dang Van Lam is the next player to miss out on the rest of this year's World Cup’s final round qualification due to injury.

After the loss against Australia, Lam returned to Cerezo Osaka. Unfortunately, the Russian - Vietnamese goalkeeper suffered a shoulder injury during training with the Japanese team.

According to doctors, it will take Lam three months to recover and the 28-year-old player will definitely miss four matches against China, Oman, Japan and Saudi Arabia in October and November.

The Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) said: "For goalkeeper Dang Van Lam, the board will continue to update information during his time at Cerezo Osaka in order to take the initiative in planning."

Last week, Lam started playing for Vietnam against Australia at My Dinh Stadium in the second match of the third round of World Cup qualification.

Despite a massive effort, Lam conceded the only goal of the match as the national team failed to produce an upset.

To replace the Cerezo Osaka’s goalkeeper, Coach Park Hang-seo had to call on Viettel FC’s Tran Nguyen Manh.

Manh is the fouth goalkeeper of the team in this gathering, alongside Bui Tan Truong, Nguyen Van Toan and Nguyen Van Hoang.

"Lam has not had much time playing for the national team recently. Before going to Saudi Arabia, he only had a few days to practise with his teammates,” coach Park said after the loss against Australia.

“I also want to create a competitive atmosphere in the team. Although Vietnam lost, Lam’s performance was still decent.”

On September 15, Park Hang-seo announced the official list of 32 players to prepare for the matches against China and Oman.

This will see the return of Nguyen Cong Phuong to the national team as well as new faces such as Nguyen Xuan Nam and Nguyen Trong Dai.

The whole team started training from September 16 with 29 players, including four players from the U22 team: Le Van Xuan, Bui Hoang Viet Anh, Ly Cong Hoang Anh and Nguyen Thanh Binh.

The team will return to the UAE to face China on October 7 at Shajah stadium./.


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