Hanoi (VNA) – Leaders of the Vietnamese Government haveagreed on a set of criteria for the recognition and use of other countries' vaccine passports inVietnam as proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, its SpokeswomanLe Thi Thu Hang said at a regular press conference via videoconference on October7.
Hang said one of the important contents in the set of criteria istypes of vaccines. Accordingly, Vietnam accepts vaccines licenced by the WorldHealth Organisation, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), orthe European Medicines Agency as well as those approved by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health for emergencyuse.
Amid complicated and long-term developments of the COVID-19pandemic which cannot be absolutely controlled, the Vietnamese Government agreed to change from the policy of zero COVID-19 to safely and flexibly adapting to and effectively controllingthe pandemic, she said.
The spokeswoman said that in the process of effectively fighting thepandemic and restoring socio-economic development, vaccine passports, health green cardsor digital health certificates are considered feasible solutions to graduallyreopening the economy, especially services and tourism.
The Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports andTourism is working closely with relevant agencies to study and build a pilotplan to welcome back vaccinated tourists to Vietnam, firstly in the southern island cityof Phu Quoc in the near future, she added./.