The ceremony was co-chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister Pham QuangVinh and Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam.
Speaking at the event, Vinh reaffirmed the Vietnamese Government’s strong commitment to the Delivering as One initiative.
“When completed, the Green One UN House will be an everlasting symbolof cooperation between Vietnam and the United Nations,” he said.
Mehta expressed her thanks to the Vietnamese Governmentand donors for their support in constructing the house. She said theevent marks a significant step in realising the one-of-a-kind UNpresence globally.
“The Green One UN House willstrengthen the UN’s efforts to ‘deliver as one’ in Vietnam and willmake us a stronger and more effective UN Country Team,” she stressed.
Importantly, as an eco-friendly building constructed tomeet high environmental standards, it will also allow the UN to reduceits environmental footprint, she added.
The Green OneUN House is part of the ‘Delivering as One’ reform initiative inVietnam. The building, at 304 Kim Ma Street, will house all UNstaff in Hanoi, thereby improving the effectiveness and efficiency ofthe UN in Vietnam.
It will enable the UN tointegrate various operational services, such as general administration,security, ICT, procurement and HR management to achieve substantialsavings.
The house will be completed in the first quarter of 2014./.VNA