Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh, head of the CentralSteering Committee for the target programme on new-style rural areabuilding, assigned this task during a conference held in Hanoi on July15.
The two ministries should advise the Governmenton commending and rewarding localities that perform well in this field,he suggested.
He requested Dak Nong, Dien Bien, CaoBang, Son La and Bac Kan provinces, which currently have no new-stylerural communes, to promote the programme so each province can report atleast one new-style rural commune that meets the criteria by the end ofthis year.
The steering committee for the programmeshould continue to collect feedback on amending and supplementing thecurrent set of criteria, which includes the construction ofinfrastructure and public facilities, production capacity improvement,environmental protection and cultural preservation.
The committee should also conduct fact-finding tours and hostconferences that provide an opportunity to discuss the set of criteriain-depth and assess whether they are appropriate for the context of eachlocality, he concluded.
The committee will award the 10 most outstanding provinces.
Members proposed the Government amend and supplement the followingcriteria: development of irrigation systems, information andcommunications, production organisation, education, health, theenvironment, and local system of political and social organisations.They recommended supplementing the criteria on planning, transport andelectricity.
To date, 889 communes and five districts have been recognised as new-style rural areas.-VNA