Guidelines for environmental impact assessment debated

A conference took place on October 5 to collect feedback on the draft regional guidelines for public participation in environmental impact assessment (EIA).
Guidelines for environmental impact assessment debated ảnh 1Clearing the West Lake (Illustrative photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A conference took place on October 5 to collect feedback on the draft regional guidelines for public participation in environmental impact assessment (EIA).

The regional EIA guidelines were developed by the Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) on the issue, which comprises 25 representatives of ministries and civil society organisations from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. The team has been supported by national technical advisors and other international technical experts.

According to expert Le Hoang Lan, the guidelines mention trans-border effects through public participation in assessing trans-border environmental impacts. All comments gathered will be considered among members of the RTWG in early 2017 to adjust and complete the guidelines, making them practical and implementable across the Mekong Delta region.

Participants suggested the guidelines pay attention to the participation of the minority, women and disadvantaged as well as the implementation of countries involved and their economic benefits for taking part in the initiative.

Vietnam should draw up guidance concerning environmental impact assessment for local and foreign businesses, they noted.

Head of the Vietnam Environment Administration Nguyen Van Tai said Vietnam looks to devise a roadmap on collecting comments and advice from different levels of public agencies, then making contents of the guidelines part of the Vietnamese legal system.-VNA


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