Speakingat the investment promotion conference, which aimed to provide aplatform for domestic and foreign enterprises to explore local policies,potential and opportunities, held in the province late last week, Phucstated that the province's difficulties in luring foreign investmentincluded poor transport infrastructure and human resource quality, lowcompetitiveness and a high poverty rate of 27 percent.
However,he emphasised that the province has great tourism potential with itsfavourable climate and soil, natural beauty and diverse cultures,alongside other agricultural strengths such as medicinal plants,clean-water fisheries and livestock.
He proposed that theprovince should continue to finalise its socio-economic developmentplanning, boost administrative reform, increase the effectiveness andefficiency of state management and improve the investment environment.
"Theprovince also should pay more attention in comprehensively developinghuman resources through efficient policies on education, healthcare andculture, moving towards sustainable poverty alleviation," he added.
Thedeputy PM asked the ministries and agencies to support the province inpromoting its infrastructure upgradation, poverty reduction projects,preservation of unique ethnic cultures and rapid and sustainablesocio-economic development.
Chairman of Vietnam Chamber ofCommerce and Industry Vu Tien Loc agreed, adding that the province hasbeen ranking low in the Provincial Competitiveness Index for years. Lastyear, the rank was 48 out of 63 provinces and cities.
Loc noted that the province should have solutions to accelerate administrative reforms as well as business environment.
Hesuggested the province to build tourism development strategy, whichwill focus on Dong Van Rock Plateau and connect with other provinces inthe north-west region.
He said Ha Giang should also fully tapinto its agricultural potential while recommending that the provincefocus on improving provincial-level competitiveness and connect itssocio-economic development plan with that of the north-western region,he noted.
Nguyen Van Son, provincial People's Committee vicechairman, noted that the province has always prioritised resources formobilising investment and will continue to boost administrativeprocedure reform in investment activities and the timely removal ofproblems faced by investors.
Son claimed that the province hasset up investment promotion counselling centres and an OfficialDevelopment Assistance (ODA) mobilisation board, responsible forattracting ODA from NGOs. It has also introduced a number of incentiveson land use, water and power supplies, while simplifying administrativeprocedures.
At the conference, the provincial People's Committeegranted licences to 9 projects, with a total registered capital of 3.6trillion VND (169.2 million USD).
The committee also signed six memorandum of understanding on cooperation and investment with businesses.-VNA