Ha Noi prepares for DPRK-USA Summit

As the host of the second DPRK-USA Summit, Hanoi is trying its best to prepare for the upcoming event, which is under international focus.

As the host of the second DPRK-USA Summit, Hanoi is trying its best to prepare for the upcoming event, which is under international focus.

Day and night, Giang Vo street is busier than ever as workers are planting flowers and bushes in the lane separators. Local authorities hope the flowers will add a nice touch to the streets of Hanoi. Locals are excited to witness the summit.

Other than carefully trimmed bushes and flowers, boards and public announcements for the summit are on display on every corner of the street.

The summit takes place on the occasion of 20 years Hanoi received the City for Peace title from the UNESCO. Hanoi is working hard to promote an image of a peace loving city, with a thousand years of history.-VNA