The Hai Duong police force cooperates with relevant agencies to set up check points along roads to the province, to districts and communes (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
A Covid-19 checkpoint in Vinh Hoa commune, Ninh Giang district is set up to check people’s temperature and write down the names of those entering the district (Photo: VNA)
The implementation of checkpoints between villages and residential areas is to control suspected cases, serving quarantine and avoiding the spread in community (Photo: VNA)