Hanoi (VNA) – A Hanoi leaderhas pledged to create a stable environment for Thai businesses to engage inlong-term investment and business operations in the city, calling for morefirms from the neighbouring country to invest in Hanoi.
Secretary of Hanoi Party’sCommittee Vuong Dinh Hue made the commitment during a reception for the ThaiAmbassador to Vietnam Tanee Sangrat on June 2.
Hue informed his guest thatVietnam in general and Hanoi in particular has basically put the COVID-19epidemic under control while maintaining a positive growth rate at 3.72 percentalong with political security and social order and safety.
He stressed that Hanoi isimplementing concerted measures to restore the economy, including organising amajor investment promotion conference on June 27. The official invited the ThaiAmbassador and Thai businesses to attend the event, which demonstrates Hanoi’sresolve in attracting investment.
Appreciatingthe success of Vietnam and Hanoi in particular in containing the COVID-19, AmbassadorTanee Sangrat said this year is a right time for the two countries to discussmechanisms to promote and facilitate bilateral trade and investment. He suggestedholding a joint workshop to look into trade and investment issues.
The ambassador invited Hanoi to attend several annual exchangeprogrammes held by Thailand in the time ahead, adding that the two sides shouldcoordinate to organize cultural exchange events in Hanoi on the occasion of the45th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations in 2021.
The Hanoi leader affirmed his support of such joint events,and expressed his wish that flights between Vietnam and Thailand, and betweenHanoi and Bangkok will be resumed early on the condition of ensuring safety forboth sides.
The Thai Ambassador saidThailand also shares this wish and is considering ways to realize it.
The two sides agreed that theexisting cooperation agreement between Hanoi and Bangkok has not matched theirpotential, and proposed that the two cities consider elevating their ties towardsa twinning relationship./.