Inhis opening remarks, Nguyen Van Chi, Deputy Chief of the coordinating office forthe new-style rural area building programme of Hanoi, said this is an importantevent under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s direction tohelp organisations and individuals advertise OPCP products and specialties ofregions across Vietnam.
TheOCOP programme looks to have at least 10,000 products nationwide by 2025. It isa focus of economic development efforts in rural areas and also a crucial taskin the implementation of the national target programme on new-style countrysidebuilding for 2021 - 2025.
Hanoiis currently home to 1,649 OCOP products, including four rated five stars,1,098 rated four stars, and 534 rated three stars. They include 1,071 foodproducts, 35 beverage products, 17 herbal products, 492 handicraft products,and 34 fabric and apparel ones.
These items have quickly gained a foothold in the market, helping localresidents expand production, increase product value, and improve their materialand spiritual life, Chi noted./.