The two sidesinked a cooperation agreement on the organisation of the event in Hanoi on July2.
Speaking at thesigning ceremony, VNU President Nguyen Kim Son said since 2001, the two sideshave implemented various cooperation activities, including the dispatch ofVietnamese postgraduates to the Republic of Korea to work with local scholars.
The upcomingHanoi Forum is vivid evidence of their cooperation in addressing global issues,Son said, noting that the Vietnamese Government is paying particular attentionto sustainable development as the country is one of the five nations worldwideworst affected by climate change.
The forum is aVNU initiative, aiming at joining global efforts in materialising sustainabledevelopment goals through scientific and technological research and knowledgeexchange.
The forum willalso look into Vietnam’s socio-economic issues in order to provide policyconsultations for the Vietnamese Government, ministries, agencies, andlocalities, the President said.
KFAS DirectorPark In-kook said that aside from financial support, the fund will help the VNUto invite leaders of international organisations and experienced experts andscientists in climate change from many countries around the world to attend theforum.
The directorexpressed his hope that through hosting the forum, the VNU will improve itsposition.
Themed “Towardssustainable development: climate change response for sustainability andsecurity,” Hanoi Forum 2018 willfeature several keynote speakers, panel discussions, and two side events aspolicy dialogues on natural resource management in the Mekong Delta region andurbanisation in the Red River Delta. Information on keynote and guest speakerswill be updated by April 2018.-VNA