Hanoi Library displays documents on President Ho Chi Minh

More than 400 documents and newspapers featuring President Ho Chi Minh are being displayed by the Hanoi Library to mark the 110th anniversary of his departure to seek ways for national salvation (June 5).
Hanoi Library displays documents on President Ho Chi Minh ảnh 1The displayed documents (Photo: hanoimoi.com.vn)
Hanoi (VNA) – More than 400 documents and newspapers featuring President Ho Chi Minh are being displayed by the Hanoi Library to mark the 110th anniversary of his departure to seek ways for national salvation (June 5).

Through the exhibition, the library aims to highlight the significance of the President’s journey, his great contributions to the Vietnamese revolution, and his role in international communist and worker movements.  

It also praises the late leader’s ideology and morality, and his sentiments towards the capital city.  

The works are also introduced on the website of the library to make it easier for readers to access given the COVID-19 pandemic.

The display runs from June 4-17.

A virtual book fair and exhibition is also underway at www.book265.vn to mark the 110th year since President Ho Chi Minh left Vietnam to go on a journey around the world to seek ways to save the nation.

Launched on June 4, the event is held by the Ministry of Information and Communications in partnership with the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism./.

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