Hanoi (VNA) - A project on decentralisation ofState management and issues relating to public investment were mulled over atthe 9th meeting of the 16th-tenure Hanoi People’s Council which opened onSeptember 12.
Addressing the event, Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Chairman of themunicipal People’s Council, emphasised the importance of the project on decentralisationof state management, saying it has a great impact on socio-economic developmentand the efficiency of the city's administrations at all levels.
He said that this content was discussed by the municipal People's Council at its 7th session in July and was finalised to submit for approval at the 9th meeting.
Delegates will also considerand decide on adjustments to the public investment planfor 2022, the medium-term public investment plan for 2021-2025, orientations for thecity's 2023 public investment plan for next year as well as approving policies fora number of public investment projects, he said, adding that they will evaluateand point out limitations and at the same time set forth solutions to speed upthe progress of projects, especially solving "bottlenecks” in the disbursementof investment capital in the coming time.
As of August 22, the city's disbursement of public investmentcapital only reached 27.1% of the plan assigned by the municipal People's Council.
The municipal People's Council will also consider the level ofsupport for cadres, civil servants, public employees and contracted workers inthe health sector at public facilities, saying that it is important to improvethe quality of care for people’s health, Tuan said.
Regarding the resolution on tuition fees for preschooland public education institutions in the capital city in the 2022-2023 schoolyear, he said although the city's economyis gradually recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic was put under control, people’s livesstill face many difficulties.
In order to reduce the impact due to theadjustment of tuition fees in line with the Government's roadmap, the city has deviseda plan that keeps the tuition fee rate for the 2022-2023 school year unchangedcompared with that of the previous year, including the city's 50% subsidy of thetuition fee, he said./.