Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish

Might not be the oldest dish of Hanoi as it has only been around for over a hundred years, but “Chả Cá Lã Vọng” or “Chả Cá Hà Nội” is definitely the unique among the best known dishes of the capital city.
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 1Ingredients:
- 2kg longbarbel catfish/snakehead
- Rice vermicelli
For marinating the fish:
- 2 large turmeric tubers
- 4 large stalks of lemongrass
- Shrimp paste 
- Sugar
- Fish sauce 
- Fermented rice (‘mẻ’)
- 2 large lesser galangal tubers
- Black pepper
- 7 – 8 shallot bulbs
Vegetables served with the dish
- Dill
- Scallion
- Roasted peanut
For dipping sauce:
- Shrimp paste
- Chili
- Lime juice
- Rice liquor
- Sugar
(Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 2Prepare ingredients for marinating the fish:
- Finely chop turmeric tubers, lemongrass stalks, lesser galangal tubers and shallot bulbs
- Grind lemongrass and shallot with some freshwater and squeeze the liquid out
- Stir-fry turmeric with pork fat as natural food color
(Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 3Prepare fish:
- Debone the fish
- Cut into pieces
(Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 4Marinate the fish that has been prepared with finely chopped lesser galangal tubers, lemongrass and shallot juice and pork fat which has been used to stir-fry turmeric Let the fish sit in two hours (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 5Grilled the fish at 180 Celcius degrees in 10 minutes (grilling with charcoals gives slightly better taste than with an oven) (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 6- Put roasted peanut, dill, scallion, rice vermicelli on different dishes;
- Make dipping sauce by mixing well shrimp paste, chopped chili, lime juice, rice liquor and sugar;
- Prepare a portable stove and a small pan
- Pour pork fat (or vegetable oil) into pan
(Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 7Let the grilled fish cool off for firmer texture (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 8The dish is served hot by frying the fish and side vegetables right on dining table (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 9Yummy hot fish is now ready (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)
Hanoi signature dish: La Vong grilled fish ảnh 10Dip fish and vegetables in shrimp paste sauce and serve with rice vermicelli and peanut (Photo: Dau Dau/Vietnam+)

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