The plan seeks to maximise the province’s potential and available resources anddevelop manufacturing, logistics, trading, and, especially, agricultural andaquatic processing.
The plan is focused on building comprehensive infrastructure for industrialparks and clusters, and soliciting investment in environmentaltreatment projects, projects that use advanced and environment-friendlytechnologies, processing vegetables and fruits, manufacturing, and energy.
It envisages establishing an industrial park and making zoning plans forindustrial parks for completing procedures for setting them up, including forthe establishment of two new industrial clusters and expanding one, all thisyear.
It also aims to efficiently implement national and local trade promotionprogrammes simultaneously.
A number of renewable energy projects and projects in industrial parks andclusters are expected to start construction this year.
With respect to logistics, the province plans to complete waterway and roadtransport infrastructure with high connectivity to meet cargo transportationneeds and focus on developing supply chains for certain products, making them adriving force for socio-economic development.
It will build a logistics centre and spend the entire amount earmarked forwaterway and road transport development projects this year.
The plan is expected to cost 2.29 trillion VND (99.5 million USD) this year,with the central and local governments providing 353.1 billion VND and 58.4billion VND, and enterprises the rest./.