Hau Giang (VNA) - Authorities in the Mekong Delta provinceof Hau Giang held a working session via Skype on September 10 with the THDVietnam Project Development JSC and Dutch businesses regarding a local circulareconomy project covering high-tech organic farming and processing and renewableenergy.
The project consists of the AGINE complex for cow farming, rice and ricehusk processing, and renewable energy, in Chau Thanh A district’s Nhon Nghia Acommune, and the GREENDEVI complex with milch cow farming, feed processing andrenewable energy facilities, in Phung Hiep district’s Tan Phuoc Hung commune.
Costing about 210 million USD, the AGINE complex spans 30 ha, whileGREENDEVI will cost 420 million USD and covers an area of 63.5 ha.
Highlighting the suitability of the circular economy model with theprovince’s conditions, Truong Canh Tuyen, Vice Chairman of the provincialPeople’s Committee, said authorities will soon issue a policy on helping THDVietnam and other partners make their first steps related to the project.
He asked THD Vietnam to research and develop the project so as to ensureenvironmental protection, and not create issues for local people.
Mai Huy Tan from THD Vietnam said the project will make use of 7,500tonnes of local agricultural waste and create at least 1.2 MWh of electricityalong with phosphate and nitrate for farming. It also does not generate carbondioxide, he added.
Pieter Van Der Hoop, an energy expert with the Dutch-based KPP Energyand Waste Solutions - a partner of THD Vietnam - said that Vietnam, with itsvast arable land, can take advantage of biomass energy but needs to link energysources together.
His company wants to transfer relevant technologies to Vietnam, he said,and is willing to help it develop agro-energy technologies./.