HCM City aims to reduce accidents

Ho Chi Minh City authorities have said that the city's Traffic Safety Board this year would aim to reduce the number of traffic accidents by 5 percent and the time of traffic jams to no more than 30 m
HCM City aims to reduce accidents ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: File photo)

HCM City (VNA) – Ho Chi Minh City authorities have said that the city's Traffic Safety Board this year would aim to reduce the number of traffic accidents by 5 percent and the time of traffic jams to no more than 30 minutes.

The board made the announcement at a 2016 traffic safety year and campaign ceremony held on January 15 in the city in the run-up to the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.

Le Van Khoa, deputy head of the city's People's Committee, said that the traffic safety work in the city had gained success over the past few years.

The number of traffic accidents, fatalities and injuries fell during that time.

However, the high population density and pace of urbanisation continued to overload transport infrastructure and caused many difficulties in management work, he added.

As many as 703 people were killed and 3,302 others injured in 3,712 road crashes last year, according to the municipal Department of Transpor.

The 2016 traffic safety year has the slogan "Human Life First".

Khoa also urged agencies to deploy traffic safety plans for this year, firstly carrying out traffic safety campaigns for the up-coming Tet.

The transport department in coordination with traffic police and agencies have conducted many measures to ensure safety in the city.

Bus stations will add more buses during the Tet holiday as transport demand is forecast to rise by five percent year-on-year.

The city will crack down on unlicensed coaches, according to the department.

Tran Quang Lam, deputy director of the department, said the shortage of buses to serve people's demand would not occur this year.

People should buy tickets at licensed bus stations or buy online tickets. They were advised not to catch buses on the road at unofficial stops as these vehicles are illegal.

Inspections will be conducted on coaches and bus stations in order to penalise violators.

City police will also be deploying the entire force as well as all vehicles and equipment to ensure safety for residents during the holiday.-VNA


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