Nguyen Ngoc Tuong, deputychief of the committee, said, “The campaign aims to reduce trafficcongestions and accidents to ensure that the city’s residents have a happy andpeaceful holiday.”
The committee has workedwith the Road - Railway Traffic Police Division (PC67) toenhance inspection at hot spots for traffic accidents and congestions.
The traffic police force ison duty 24/7 before and during the holiday to ensure smooth traffic and punishany violating vehicles at the city’s gateways and crowded places, such asrailway stations, piers, coach stations and bus stations.
The inspection focuses oninter-provincial coach stations in HCM City, including Mien Dong (Eastern)Coach Station, Mien Tay (Western) Coach Station, An Suong Coach Station, Cho LonCoach Station, District 8’s Coach Station and Nga Tu Ga Coach Station toprevent the selling of black market fares and unlicensed coaches.
Unsafe vehicles, driversusing alcohol and drivers who do not have driving licenses or authenticcertificates will be strictly punished.
The police have enhancedinspection at road-rail intersections to reduce railway accidents.
The committee has alsocooperated with the Waterway Police Division (PC68) to manage violations onmajor waterway routes, such as Sai Gon, Dong Nai and Can Giuoc Rivers and Tau Hu- Ben Nghe Canal.
The police will strictlypunish vehicles with overloaded cargos as well as overloaded river buses andferries to ensure safety for passengers.-VNA