HCM City (VNA) – A forum on the linkage and investmentopportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was held in Ho Chi MinhCity on December 9 as part of the US Agency for International Development(USAID) Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (USAID LinkSME) project.
The event was organised by the USAID in collaborationwith the municipal Department of Industry and Trade, the HCM City ExportProcessing and Industrial Zones Authority (HEPZA), and the Saigon Hi-Tech Park.
Addressing the event, Deputy Director of the HCM CityDepartment of Industry and Trade Nguyen Phuong Dong said the department hasprovided local SMEs with a wide range of supports to boost the growth ofsupporting industries.
HCM City has made relentless efforts to develop localland bank and infrastructure with three industrial parks set upexclusively for SMEs and supporting industry, said Tran Viet Ha from HEPZA.
HEPZA has also worked hard to bridge the local SMEs withnew partners and markets, he continued, adding it has also cooperated with themunicipal Department of Industry and Trade to diversify supporting industrysupport programmes, covering from administrative services, access to funding topreferential incentives and consultation.
Robert Green, US Deputy Consul General in HCM City urgedVietnamese SMEs to be more flexible to make the most of opportunities from theglobal shift of supply chains while trade promotion agencies must engage infostering connection between the SMEs and large corporations that lead supplychains./.