The sides informed each other on their localities’ respectivesocio-economic and Party building situations. They were both delighted by thefact that the cities, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, signed their memorandum ofunderstanding (MoU) on cooperation for 2021-2025 in October last year.
HCM City head delegate Nguyen Van Nen, who is a Poliburo member and Secretary of the municipal Party Committee, thanked Vientiane’sassistance for his city’s pandemic prevention and control works.
Both delegations agreed to soon identify specific solutionsto realise their MoU which covered the promotion of economicexchanges, business facilitation, and tourism activities.
Exchanges of delegations at all levels and training of youngpeople on the countries’ history and special friendship are also important,they said.
The HCM City side said it will continue to grantscholarships for Lao students, and create favourable conditions for publicpersonnel from Vientiane to join studies and share experiences ineducation, high-tech agriculture, finance, tax, administrative reform,e-government building, and digital transformation.
Concluding the event, HCM City presented 10 sets of equipmentserving virtual meetings and 40 graduate and postgraduate scholarships to theLao side.
The Vietnamese delegation is paying a working visit to Laosfrom May 25 – 29./.