HCM City leader congratulates local Catholics

A delegation led by Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen visited and congratulated Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Nang on December 21 on the occasion of the Christmas season and New Year 2023.
HCM City leader congratulates local Catholics ảnh 1Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen (L) and Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Nang (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – A delegation led by Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen visited and congratulated Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Nang on December 21 on the occasion of the Christmas season and New Year 2023.

On behalf of municipal authorities, Nen wished Archbishop Nang and local Catholic dignitaries, priests and followers a warm and merry Christmas.

He thanked them for always standing side by side with the city to overcome challenges and score socio-economic achievements.

Nen believed that Nang, in his capacity as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam, will continue guiding Catholic dignitaries, priests and followers to join hands to strengthen the great national unity and contribute to the city and country.

Archbishop Nang, for his part, expressed his belief that under the sound leadership of the city’s leaders and common efforts of the people, Ho Chi Minh City will continue thriving to bring happy lives to citizens.

In the morning of the same day, Vice Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs Nguyen Anh Chuc visited and presented gifts to Archbishop Nang.

Recently, delegations from the municipal Party Committee, People’s Committee, People’s Council, Vietnam Fatherland Front chapter have visited and congratulated Catholic and Protestant dignitaries, priests and followers in the city./.


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