HCMCity (VNA) – Ho Chi Minh City wants to boost cooperation with theDevelopment Research Centre of the State Council (DRC) of China in policyresearch and consultation.
Duringhis reception for the Centre’s Party Secretary Wang Anshun in HCM City onSeptember 9, Secretary of HCM City Party Committee Tat Thanh Cang asked thecentre to share its experience in addressing urban issues, including trafficinfrastructure development, climate change adaption, and urban populationpressure.
Helauded the effective operation of the Linh Trung Export ProcessingZone, a joint project of Vietnam and China, saying that it has lured numerousdomestic and foreign investors, contributing to the city’s industrialproduction and economic development.
Forhis part, Wang Anshun expressed his hope to boost cooperation with the city inurban management and building of socio-economic development targets and plans.
Heunderlined the importance of policy research and consultation to serve nationaldevelopment, affirming that the cooperation between his centre and the EconomicCommission of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee will make asignificant contribution to the sustainable economic development of eachnation, thus consolidating the Vietnam – China friendship.-VNA