HCM City seeks RoK locality’ support for start-ups

Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan has suggested Incheon city of the RoK help the Vietnamese city set up a start-ups support centre.
HCM City seeks RoK locality’ support for start-ups ảnh 1Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan (R) receives Chairman of Incheon Metropolitan City Council Jegal Won-young (Source: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan has suggested Incheon city of the Republic of Korea (RoK) help the Vietnamese city set up a start-ups support centre, towards promoting scientific and economic exchange.

Talking to visiting Chairman of Incheon Metropolitan City Council Jegal Won-young at a meeting on July 18, Secretary Nhan said the centre would also support RoK citizens and businesses in HCM City.
He hoped the RoK locality will enhance experience sharing with HCM City in aviation management, urban transport and creative research activities.

HCM City’s Party chief proposed holding annual meetings and exchanges between the two localities to share experience in management and investment cooperation, expressing his belief that Vietnam-RoK relations and ties between HCM City and Incheon will improve.

For his part, Jegal Won-young praised the economic development of Vietnam and HCM City in particular, and predicted that Vietnam will always develop rapidly.

More and more RoK enterprises have decided to invest in Vietnam, he added.

Incheon is willing to share experience with HCM City in areas such as the environment, transport, urban development, education and start-ups, he affirmed.

He also hoped links between the two cities will continue to be enhanced effectively, contributing to bolstering RoK-Vietnam cooperative ties.

The RoK is Vietnam's largest foreign investor, second largest official development assistance provider and third biggest trade partner.

HCM City has established cooperative friendships with five localities of the RoK.

As many as 80,000 RoK citizens live in HCM city, while about 2,000 RoK firms operate in the southern economic hub.-VNA


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