Welcoming Indian Ambassador Pranay Verma, Thang said thatthis year, Vietnam and India are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, which marks an important milestone in the time-honoured bilateralfriendship.
For a plan to organise a conference on this occasion, Thangstressed that it should be held in a national scale with the participation ofcentral and local leaders, experts and scholars as well as businesses ofboth sides.
Regarding personnel training activities, he said the HCMAoften invites Indian experts to lecture at strategic cadre planning classes heldby the academy, adding this activity should be maintained and fostered in the timeahead.
Ambassador Pranay Verma said that the HCMA and its Centrefor Indian Studies play important roles in the two countries’ cooperation.
He suggested the two nations expand collaboration in threepotential fields of health care, green recovery and digital economy.

For the HCMA, Singapore's development has always beena role model for Vietnamese experts and scholars to study, research, and drawexperience for policy making and promulgation that is in accordancewith Vietnam’s reality, he emphasised.
The official proposed the organisation of a conference to look back onthe 50-year diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Singapore (1973-2023), and suggested the two countriescontinue boosting personnel training and delegation exchanges as well as organisingresearch programmes at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy under Nan YangUniversity of Singapore.
Sharing the view, Ambassador Jaya Ratnam asked the HCMA tosoon carry out a plan on delegation exchanges in the context of the twocountries gradually reopening political and economic activities andpeople-to-people exchanges./.