In cooperationwith the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Park and ASPA organisedmeetings between Vietnamese businesses and Republic of Korea(RoK)’s partners, which sought partnerships in electronics, informationtechnology and other fields.
The activitycontributed to supporting enterprises of Vietnam and the RoK topromote trade, expand markets and create more opportunities for businesscooperation.
In June, the Park also helped the RFMicro Devices Inc (RFMD), a big group of the US operating in wirelesssemiconductor device production, visit and seek investmentopportunities in Vietnam .
With its need ofbusiness and production extension, RFMD has been carrying out marketsurveys and research to pave the way for building its factory inVietnam .
In the framework of cooperativeactivities with foreign partners in 2011, the Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park andthe Tai Zhong Science Park of Taiwan signed a memorandum ofunderstanding (MoU) to boost cooperation in information and technologyexchange through transfer of technology, enterprise establishment andinvestment.
Under the MoU, the two sides willdevelop partnerships between enterprises of both sides as well asenhance cooperation in staff training.
Establishedin 1997, ASPA is a non-government organization working to promotedevelopment of science –technology, industry and economy in Asia aswell as supporting enterprises to seek new partners and markets.
The Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park has become an official member of the ASPA since 2008./.